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안전디딤돌 Emergency Ready App - Safety in South Korea

FLip Korea

Updated: Aug 16, 2023

To most foreigners, this is not something new, as we also might have a similar app/service back home (Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA)).

Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) in Romania, Korea safety app

It simply sends a text message in case of emergencies on your phone based on your location.

In what cases it might send a text message:

  • earthquake;

  • flood;

  • typhoon/monsoon;

  • attacks;

  • accidents;

  • etc.

Most people will receive this text message without the app.

I don't receive safety text messages in Korea, WHAT DO I DO?

If you ever experience problems with receiving text messages and notifications on your phone, it might be because:

  • you are not using a Korean mobile carrier;

  • your location is being turned off;

  • your phone was manufactured outside of Korea and you (might) need to change settings.

Then you must install this app for your own safety in Korea.

1. On iPhone

Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, iphone on appstore 안전디딤돌
  1. Search for 안전디딤돌 on App Store

  2. Install the app and give permission to use the location feature during usage.

  3. To be able to receive notifications be sure to always have GPS on

2. On Android

Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store 안전디딤돌
Android Install and permissions

Consent message translated:

Location Usage Guide Location information is accessed for checking facilities such as weather, hospitals, and civil defense shelters, and receiving location-based disaster messages. Do you agree to use location information? *To receive location-based disaster messages, always set the location permission to Allow. In this case, access location information even when the app is not in use.

  1. Search for 안전디딤돌 on Play Store

  2. Install the app and give permission to use the Location, Calls, and Files features during usage. To be able to receive notifications be sure to always have GPS on

  3. Agree to the use of DeviceID and Location information

Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store 안전디딤돌
How to change these permissions after installation

Consent message translated:

Agree to receive disaster messages Do you agree to verify encrypted DeviceID and Location information on your mobile phone to receive disaster messages? If you agree but later you don't want it anymore, you can turn it off from Settings. (It is not used for any purpose other than this.) Please allow permission to draw on top of other apps to receive disaster text messages. I don't agree | I agree

On an Android phone, you will have to give permission for more things compared to iOS. Also, if those questions regarding the permissions did not pop-up you can always go to:

Settings - Apps - 안전디딤돌 and changes permissions.

3. How to use the app

Set notifications

Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store iphone ios app store shelters 안전디딤돌
Enlarge to see at better quality
  1. Go to Settings and turn them ON (재난문자 수신알림 설정)

  2. Go to 수신 기지국 위치로 설정 to let the app use the location and turn it ON

  3. Tap on 지역추가 to add a region in Korea

  4. Choose the city you want (we chose Seoul just as an example)

  5. Choose the neighborhood and tap on 완료

  6. Done. Add as many locations as you wish.

This is how it will look on your phone:

Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store 안전디딤돌, disaster message korea

4. How to use the app

Check missed or history of notifications

Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store app store iphone 안전디딤돌 disasters
Enlarge to see at better quality
  1. Go to 재난문자 (Disaster Messages)

  2. Tap on 전국 to change it from NATIONWIDE to your desired region and then tap on 완료

  3. Tap on 조회 to search that specific region in Korea

  4. Done.

5. How to use the app

Check for nearest Shelters

Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store app store iphone 안전디딤돌 disasters shelters emergency situations
Enlarge to see at better quality
  1. Go to 재난문자 (Search for shelter) or 시설정보(Facility information) then 민방위대피소(Civil Defense Shelter)

  2. Tap on 지역을 선택해 주십시오(Choose a region) and change it to your desired region, then tap on 완료

  3. Tap on 조회 to search that specific region in Korea

  4. Done.

6. How to use the app

Shelter types you can look for

Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store app store iphone 안전디딤돌 disasters shelters emergency situations
  1. Civil defense shelter

  2. Temporary residential facilities

  3. Earthquake shelter

  4. Tsunami emergency evacuation shelter

  5. Hot-temperature shelter (hot weather)

  6. Landslide shelter

  7. Emergency medical center

  8. Hospital

  9. Pharmacy

  10. Blood center

  11. Fire Station

  12. Police station

  13. Maritime Police Station

  14. Chemical accident evacuation shelter

  15. Fine dust shelter

  16. Warming shelter (cold weather)

7. How to use the app

Check for useful tips and guides

Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store app store iphone 안전디딤돌 disasters shelters emergency situations safety guides

To check for guides and tips check each category and situation. If you don't know Korean, you can copy-paste the text or screenshot and use a translating application such as Papago or Google Translate.

We hope that more foreigners will start using this application to be prepared for any kind of situation that could possibly arise while living in Korea.

Useful links:

안전디딤돌 APP

Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store app store iphone 안전디딤돌 disasters shelters emergency situations
Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store app store iphone 안전디딤돌 disasters shelters emergency situations

Papago APP

Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store app store iphone 안전디딤돌 disasters shelters emergency situations
Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store app store iphone 안전디딤돌 disasters shelters emergency situations

Google Translate APP

Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store app store iphone 안전디딤돌 disasters shelters emergency situations
Safety app Wireless Emergency Alerts in South Korea, Busan, Seoul, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Jeju, android on play store app store iphone 안전디딤돌 disasters shelters emergency situations


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