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Where to search for a job in Korea


Updated: Apr 26, 2022

Job search

In Korea, there are various ways of searching for a job and we know that like in any other country this can be extremely difficult to find. So, we wanted to give you some idea of where you can look. Below we made a list based on each location.

1. Sites with an English navigation system (but most ads are in Korean)

2. Sites with Korean navigation only (usually these are the sites used by Koreans)

3. Part-time

*For all the websites above, you have to SING UP, make an account and write your resume or update one. So before applying don’t forget to SING UP.

4. Posts on social media sites for foreign communities in Korea

  • Facebook groups: You need to make sure that these ads are trustworthy

  • Meetups in Korea

  • Internships

5. Job Fairs

Korea holds an annual job fair for foreigners in Korea. All companies that come to this job fair are willing to hire foreigners, so keep in mind these fairs. You can search for keywords such as 외국인취업박람회 which means “Job Fair for foreign residents” or 외국인유학생채용박람회 which means “Job Fair for international students” to find out more about when and where these fairs are held. There will be many corporations that offer jobs and internships for foreigners. Make sure you are informed in advance which companies are present and which would interest you. Print your resume and cover letter before participating in such fairs. Some companies conduct on-site interviews, which is why it's important to prepare in advance.

6. Apply directly to the website of the company you want to work for

You can apply directly to the company you want to work for. Many companies have a section on the company's website called "Career" that lists all open positions. Therefore, if you're considering certain companies, try visiting their websites and submitting your request

7. Apply offline

If you want to find a part-time job, such as a waitress/waitress or cashier, you can also apply offline. In such cases, direct application to the site is the best and fastest way to find a job. To do this, pay attention to words like 스태프모집, 일할사람구함, 사람구함, or 직원구함 on the door of shops, restaurants, cafes, etc. You have to have a resume prepared when you apply offline.

For larger corporations, offline applications are very rare. We recommend applications directly on the company's website or through recruiters.

We hope we have helped you with some of the websites of where to search for a job in Korea. For more questions feel free to contact us.


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