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The three dog days in Korea

Tony Giny

Updated: Jul 15, 2024

★★★ Korea Allimi Special Article - 대한민국 알리미 특별 조항★★★


The term "dog days of summer" (sambok, 삼복 or boknal, 복날) is used in Korea. The three hottest days of the summer, which last for a whole month, were typically a day off for the farmers. Before the rice harvest, a trip to the seashore or a nearby mountain valley to cool off was planned.

The three days—Chobok ~ 초복, or the first day, Jungbok ~ 중복, or the middle day, and Malbok ~ 말복, or the last day—occur at intervals of ten days.

This year (2024), the dates to watch out for are:

  • The first HOT day of summer is Chobok (초복) on July 15, 2024.

  • The second HOT day of summer is Jungbok (중복) on July 25, 2024.

  • The third and final HOT day of summer is Malbok (말복) on August 14, 2024.

People strive to eat more nutritious food these days so they will have more energy to withstand the heat. Eating healthy food to maintain energy and combat heat is one of the customs of Boknal.

While many of us might think about consuming cooler dishes or even the icy soups found in Korea, Koreans take the opposite approach. Koreans think we need to warm the body from the stomach onward, and three dishes are typically the first choices.

Samgyetang ~ 삼계탕

Koreans start eating Samgyetang, or ginseng chicken soup, on the first day of Boknal, Chobok day. One soft chicken filled with rice is served in a steaming hot bowl of broth that is flavored with ginseng, garlic, and jujube dates. Be careful to leave early if you plan to taste the meal during boknal, as there will undoubtedly be lineups at the best and tastiest venues serving it.

Eel ~ 장어

Jangeo, 장어, or eel, is another dish that is enjoyed during this time of year. This meal is actually fairly well-liked all year round because it is rich in vitamins A and E and is thought to improve blood circulation, and prevent aging, and wrinkles. Eel is well-liked by women in Korea due to its anti-aging properties, but it is also well-liked by men who think it to be an aphrodisiac and beneficial for their stamina. 

New generation

Of course, the younger generation has given the custom its own spin. The menu now includes trendy food like fried chicken and beer and fire chicken noodles, 불닭뽁음면. The custom of eating hot meals on hot days has also been abandoned by many individuals, who have completely embraced the fact that we can now buy ice even in the summer. During Sambok, chilly meals like bingsu, 빙수 and cold noodles, 냉면 have gained popularity.

More expensive samgyetang is replaced with fried chicken

In Korea, the year-round appeal of fried chicken is nothing new. Instead of "samgyetang," a hot chicken stew, an increasing number of individuals are selecting it as a "sambok" dish. The term "sambok" describes a season when Koreans opt to consume hot meals to combat the intense heat.

A traditional Korean cuisine known as "sambok," or the three "boks" of the year, is a tasty chicken stew packed with ginseng, rice, and other anti-fatigue components. It is best enjoyed during the hottest three days of summer. But each dish now costs 20,000KRW.

One of the most well-liked 'boknal' cuisine menu items is now fried chicken.

What food did you eat during these days? Make sure to enjoy them next year if you missed it now!


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