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How to issue the Hometax income certificate - E-Tax certificate - 소득금액증명서

FLip Korea

Updated: Oct 25, 2022

In Korea, it is common to be required to issue and submit a certificate of income amount when applying for a financial, loan, or study abroad visa.

The type of certificate can be issued by earning income people, year-end business income earners, comprehensive income tax returners, year-end pension income earners, and year-end tax settlement religious income earners. Corporate firms, on the other hand, are not eligible for a certificate of income.

From July 2, 2022, the 2021 comprehensive income tax return (for business) income amount certification can be applied for. Now we'll learn how to apply for and receive a Hometax certificate of income from the website.

Bring your ID card to the community center, city hall, or district office (주민센터, 시청, 구청), or apply online at the Hometax site for the income certificate.

When applying online, you'll need a digital certificate (공인인증서) in your name, and the issuance fee is 0 won both online and offline, so keep that in mind.

***We have another article on how to use the digital certificate (공인인증서), click here the login.

Click here, for how to issue a digital certificate (공인인증서).

1. Go on HomeTax > Login (홈택스 접속 > 로그인)

Search for HomeTax in the search bar, or click the link below to access HomeTax and log in.

How to issue the Hometax income certificate - E-Tax certificate - 소득금액증명서

2. Civil complaint certificate > income amount certificate (민원증명 > 소득금액증명)

Certificate of Complaint -> Application for Issuance of Certificate of Complaint -> Click on Certificate

(민원증명 -> 민원증명발급신청 -> 소득금액증명 클릭)

How to issue the Hometax income certificate - E-Tax certificate - 소득금액증명서

3. Personal details (기본인적사항 작성)

***When logging in with a digital certificate (공인인증서), the resident (business operator) registration number, name, mobile phone number, and email are automatically entered.

4. Application details (신청내용)

You can select the type of issuance in Korean/English, and in the certificate classification, please select a certificate to apply for among earned income earners, year-end business income earners, comprehensive income tax reporters, year-end pension earners, and year-end religious income earners.

(발급유형은 한글/ 영문중 선택하시면되고, 증명구분에서는 근로소득자용, 연말정산한 사업소득자용, 종합소득세 신고자용, 연말정산한 연금소득자용, 연말정산한 종교인 소득자용중 신청할 증명서를 선택해주세요.)

You can select the period during which the income was generated, and the tax period can be selected for up to 3 years.

5. Receiving method (수령방법)

Select whether to register as a resident or disclose your address, select the method of receipt, and click the Apply button.

(주민등록, 주소 공개여부 선택한 다음 수령방법 선택 후 신청하기 버튼을 클릭합니다.)

How to issue the Hometax income certificate - E-Tax certificate - 소득금액증명서

***Purpose of use of the certificate (사용용도 )

Please select from bidding, contract, collection, government office submission, loan, passport visa application, health insurance National Pension Service submission, financial institution submission, credit card issuance, etc.

(사용용도는 입찰, 계약용, 수금용, 관공서제출, 대출, 여권비자신청,건강보험국민연금공단제출,금융기관제출,신용카드발급, 기타중 선택해주세요.)

How to issue the Hometax income certificate - E-Tax certificate - 소득금액증명서

***Institution (제출처)

Please choose from financial institutions, government offices, unions/ associations, clients, schools, etc.

(제출처는 금융기관, 관공서, 조합/협회, 거래처,학교, 기타중에 선택해 주세요.)

How to issue the Hometax income certificate - E-Tax certificate - 소득금액증명서

6. Issuance completed (발급완료)

Inquiry of civil complaint processing result -> Internet reception list inquiry -> Check civil complaint name -> Click issue number -> Output

(민원처리결과조회 -> 인터넷접수목록조회 -> 민원사무명 확인 -> 발급번호 클릭 -> 출력)

Check the name of the civil service office, check the processing status, and click the issuance number to print it out. You have to wait until working hours so they can verify your details and accept the issuance of the tax certificate.

How to issue the Hometax income certificate - E-Tax certificate - 소득금액증명서

Click the issuance number to print it out, you can save it in pdf form, before printing it out click right to save it as pdf.

Remember that you can ask them to send it to your home as well.

We hope this article was helpful for you and if you have any other questions let us know down below!


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