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D-10-1 VISA - General Job Seeker

Updated: Sep 11

In this article, you will find out the most important things about D-10-1 VISA (General Job Search visa) that you need to know when you go to Immigration!

If you graduate from a university in Korea then you can definitely apply for this visa. D-10-1 is available for 2 years only (one term is for 6 months, so once at 6 months it needs to be extended) and after that, it can’t be extended. This visa can be used once in a lifetime.

Who can apply?

Those who have received permission to change their status of residence from a student visa to a job seeker visa (from D-2-1~4, D-2-7 to D-10) and meet all of the requirements below:

  • A person who has obtained a degree of associate degree or higher from a domestic university and has not passed 3 years from the date of obtaining the degree

  • A person who has TOPIK 4, valid transcript of level 4 or higher, social integration program (KIIP), midterm evaluation certificate or pre-evaluation score sheet.

  • Those who have not stayed with a residence status of Professional occupation (E-1~E-7)

  • Those who have not violated the Immigration Control Act or other laws (excluding fines)

Applicants for the General Job Seeker Point System (D-10-1):

❍ Legal residents in Korea with a bachelor's degree (domestic associate degree) or higher, with a total score of 60 points or higher on the 190-point job seeker score sheet, with 20 or more basic items out of the total score

General Job Seeker (D-10-1): Special exemption from the point system

❍ (First change in job search after graduation as an international student)

If you change to the first job seeker (D-10-1) status after graduating from a domestic university as an international student (D-2) with an associate's degree or higher, the point system is not applied

※ The first job seeker (D-10-1) stay period is granted for 6 months, and the point system is applied when extending

※ In addition to changing from study abroad (D-2) to job seeker (D-10), it also includes cases where you receive a job seeker (D-10) visa within 1 year of graduation after departure

※ However, those who previously received job seeker (D-10) status (for less than 2 years) are not eligible for the first since it is not a change in job search, so, the score system is applied

❍(Korean language proficiency graduates from domestic universities)

Those who have not passed 3 years since obtaining an associate's degree or higher from a domestic regular university

※ Those who have obtained a degree more than 3 years ago will be subject to the general score system

① Holders of a valid TOPIK score of level 4 or higher, ② Those who passed the midterm evaluation of the 4th stage of the Social Integration Program (KIIP), or ③ Those who have been assigned to the 5th stage of the preliminary evaluation


❍ Those who violate domestic laws and fall under the following disqualification reasons:

- Those who violated domestic laws and were sentenced to imprisonment or heavier punishment within 5 years from the date of application

- Those who violated the Immigration Control Act and were ordered to be deported or leave the country within 5 years from the date of application

- Those who violated domestic laws and were sentenced to a fine of 3 million won or more within 3 years from the date of application

- Those who violated the Immigration Control Act and received a fine within 3 years from the date of application and whose stay permit is restricted according to the integrated criteria for stay permit restrictions

❍ Those who have stayed for 6 months or more with a job-seeking qualification within the past year from the date of application

❍ Those who apply for a change in qualification 3 or more times without complete departure within 3 years

(D-10-1) General job search: Point system applied

❍Common documents (Application form, photo, passport copy, fee, ID copy, etc.)

❍Job search activity plan

❍Degree certificate

- Graduates of domestic junior colleges or higher: Academic transcript

※Exempt from submission if confirmed by the Immigration Management Information System (International Student Information System)

- Graduates of world-class universities: Academic transcript

※Submit only one of the following: Graduation certificate, degree certificate, or degree acquisition certificate

❍Employment experience proof documents (applicable only to applicable persons)

-Employment experience proof certificate (employment certificate) including period of employment, location, job type, etc.

❍Domestic training activity proof documents (applicable only to applicable persons)

-Certificate issued by the head of the research (training) institution stating the research topic (training course), research (training) period, completion status, etc.

※Completion of research activities at research institutions: Completion certificate

※Completion of training activities at training institutions: Certificate of Completion of Training Activities

※ Exchange students: Exchange student career verification certificate issued by the school principal

❍ Korean language proficiency proof documents (only for those who apply)

- TOPIK (within the validity period) or KIIP pre-evaluation or completion proof documents

※ However, those who submit Korean language proficiency proof documents within the validity period when applying for a job (D-10) visa or changing their residence status will be allowed to extend their stay even if the validity period has expired

Exemption from submitting proof of financial ability 

❍ Employment recommendation letters only for those who apply

- Recommendation by the head of a relevant central administrative agency: Employment recommendation letter issued by the ministry (delegated agency)

- Recommendation by the head of an overseas diplomatic mission: Internal recommendation document of the diplomatic mission

※ Proof of academic background, career certificate, recommendation letter from the relevant organization, or related proof materials (in case of winning a prestigious international or domestic competition or being reported in the media, etc.)

❍ Proof of high-income expert (only for those who apply)

- Proof of previous year's earned income issued by a public institution in the country

❍ Proof of living expenses

※ 'Annual single-person household housing allowance Bank balance certificate with an amount exceeding the standard amount of months of stay, etc.

※ However, those who change their residence status from student (D-2) to job-seeking (D-10) for the first time are exempted from submission

❍ Proof of residence

❍ Other documents deemed necessary for point-based evaluation

Below you have step by step how to apply for this visa and how to extend it.

※ Items are subject to change depending on individual circumstances

  1. Make a reservation on, if you don’t have an account, you will need one, so make sure you sign up first.

  2. Bank transaction details (은행가 거래) including the last 6 months (certificate of bank transaction details) and bank balance to prove your financial allowance for the next 6 months (certificate of bank balance/deposit - 잔액/잔고 증면서) of 6,750,000 million won (@1.200,000 KRW per month), that you need to take from the bank you have the card at.

  3. Copy of your ID card, passport, and house contract

  4. Copy of the emails of job applications and rejections during 6 months.

  5. Application form of 6 months plan, application form of change of sojourn and 60,000 KRW tax that you pay at the immigration. (130,000 KRW if you make your ID for the first time) (fees may be subject to change so check with the immigration office by calling 1345 in advance).

  6. TOPIK (within the validity period) or KIIP pre-evaluation or completion proof documents (exemption from submitting proof of financial ability for Topik 4 or above)

First time you apply for this VISA you don’t need the bank deposit, but you need the Graduation Certificate and Transcript.

The money for the bank deposit should come only from your parents/personal account from your country, otherwise they won’t accept them, and you need a receipt or a form of demonstrating where they come from.

※Bank balance certificate with an amount equal to or greater than the annual standard amount for single-person household housing allowance for the number of months of stay.

While having this VISA try searching for OASIS classes and their help to start your own business in Korea.

Special exemption from the general job search (D-10-1) score system

1. First-time/job change after graduation from an international student, Korean language proficiency graduate from a domestic university:

❍Application form and other common documents

❍Job search activity plan

❍Graduation certificate or degree

– Domestic Korean language proficiency graduate from a domestic university is only recognized if it has been less than 3 years since the date of obtaining the degree

❍Valid TOPIK score report card of level 4 or higher, Social Integration Program midterm evaluation certificate or pre-evaluation (81 or higher) score report (Only for Korean language proficiency graduate from a domestic university)

※ However, those who submitted Korean language proficiency documents within the validity period when applying for a job search (D-10) visa or changing their residence status will be allowed to extend their period of stay even if the validity period has expired

❍Proof of residence

In addition to job search activities conducted by domestic corporate organizations, etc., this visa includes short-term internship courses conducted with training expenses before formal employment.

Therefore with this visa, you can work as an Intern and do internships however you can’t work full time or part-time, since it is illegal to make money from any other sources. Also once you have a full-time work contract you should change to an appropriate visa (E1~E7*).

※Professor, conversation instructor, researcher, technical instructor, professional occupation, art (E-1) (E-2) (E-3) (E-4) (E-5) and entertainment (E-6)․ Those who want to train or seek employment in a field corresponding to a specific activity qualification (E-7).

This visa is good if you want to get a little bit of experience after graduation or you want to have time to prepare to apply for jobs in Korea. I think it is a good opportunity to travel, get to know people, and make connections while you try to start your adulthood. This can give you the right bridge to find your perfect job.

※This information is taken from HiKorea webiste. This may be subject to change so check with the immigration office by calling 1345 in advance.

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